Stoke St Milborough simulator available for booking

Stoke St Milborough simulator

Throughout July and August 2024, the ringing simulator and training bells at Stoke St Milborough, near Ludlow, are available to book any Wednesday or Thursday evening from 7pm to 9pm. (Other times are theoretically possible by prior arrangement.)

Stoke St Milborough simulatorYou can book in for individual practice, where you ring the tied Treble to any method alongside virtual ringers or you can come as a group and ring together with up to all eight of the bells tied. Early stage learners can use our Matthew Higby training bells to perfect handling.

​In this way, you can ring on real bells without being heard outside the church – ideal for ringers trying to challenge themselves with methods that push them beyond their comfort zone. (If it keeps firing out, at least you know you’re disturbing nobody!) We have recorded the sound of our own bells, so the amplified sound within the ringing room is pretty authentic. Tied-bell quarter peals are also possible, of course – it’s up to you how you use the set-up…

Stoke St Milborough simulatorMartin and/or Ashley can be available to offer any help and guidance, and if you want any extra ringers to help make up a band, we can try to get that organised too.

There is no charge to use the simulator, but donations to the bell fund are, of course, greatly appreciated. Last but not least, we can open up the Village Hall bar if you want a quick drink before you head back home. What could possibly be a better incentive?!

Stoke St Milborough simulatorFurther details are on our website and here is our exact location

To make an initial inquiry or book in, please email or just make contact through the website.

Stoke St Milborough simulator​We look forward to hearing from you!

Martin Scott & Ashley Smith

Stoke St Milborough