Guild Quarter Peal Festival

You may be familiar with the Hereford District Quarter Peal Festival we have held over the last few years. This year it has been extended to become a Guild-wide Quarter Peal Festival from 10th – 25th August.

As usual, ringers are encouraged to organise and ring quarter peals to celebrate and advance their ringing. As the event is Guild-wide we simply cannot arrange all the quarter peals and need individual ringers to seize the initiative, so please talk to the ringers in your group and see what you can come up with. We are happy to help to coordinate quarters and to try to find extra ringers to make up a band where needed, Ledbury District is keen and has expressed an interest in ringing some ‘combined district’ quarters, so there should be lots of opportunity to make the most of the event.

So, what we would like you to do is:

  • Think about what you would like to ring, perhaps this could be a ‘first’ – first quarter, first in method, first as conductor, or something you have not had the opportunity to ring for while
  • Talk to your band and see if you can arrange a quarter
  • You can add your planned ‘attempt’ to the event on the Bellboard diary
  • If you cannot find a complete band, you can try using the Whatsapp General Chat to see if anyone else is interested, or contact Nicky ( or Fran ( to see if they can help find a ringer who might be available
  • Let us know how you get on!

We will be issuing certificates to ringers who achieve a notable first, hopefully you will feel inspired to try something new, and your band will benefit from the opportunity to ring for an extended time. Quarter peals offer an opportunity to really get to know a method much more than a five minute attempt on a practice night, as well as a really good chance to work on improving your striking together as a band.