Canon Pyon, St. Lawrence

Canon Pyon

District: Hereford
Number of Bells: 6
Tenor Weight: 10-3-2
Sunday service ringing: By arrangement
Access: Parking - church car park with super wild flowers in spring Access - easy spiral staircase.
Contact: Miss N Aubrey 15 Meadow Drive, Canon Pyon, Hereford, HR4 8NT 07806621514 email:

Notes: A well maintained and easy to ring 6, made up from a Rudhall’s 5

 • Nearest Postcode: HR4 8PD
 • What3Words: ///deflation.muffin.butlers

Bell Weight Note Nominal Diameter (cm) Date Founder
1 5-3-4 E 1269.0 73.7 1983 John Taylor, Loughborough
2 5-2-6 D 1150.0 76.9 1728 Abraham Rudhall II, Gloucester
3 5-2-27 C 1012.5 80.1 1728 Abraham Rudhall II, Gloucester
4 6-3-6 B 962.5 83.3 1980 John Taylor, Loughborough
5 7-3-10 A 858.0 92.8 1728 Abraham Rudhall II, Gloucester
6 10-3-2 G 763.0 99.2 1980 John Taylor, Loughborough

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