Norman R Mattingley

We are sad to announce the death of Norman Mattingley, one of the Freemen of our Guild on 25/08/2024.

Norman died at home, funeral details will follow when they become available.

Norman joined the Guild in 1969, and quickly became a hard-working member whose enthusiasm and knowledge helped drive and develop the Guild during 1970s, 80s and 90s.    Initially joining the Guild Committee as a District Representative in 1970-76, from then onwards Norman fulfilled almost all roles within the Guild. He was Guild Master 1976-1977, served as Acting Guild Secretary 1977-1979, Report Secretary 1989-1991 and was a Guild Central Council Representative from 1981-1995.

In addition, he served on the 1976 Central Council organising committee, and the 1986 Centenary Committee both of which were hugely positive events that helped the Guild members form closer fellowships.

He was a founding member of the Bell Restoration Fund in its current form and served with drive and enthusiasm for many years.

Norman held active District roles and was Tower Captain of Hereford St Nicholas from 1976 until 1994 during which time they were augmented from 6 to 8. He was also a Tutor on the Hereford Ringing Course for many years.

Norman rang 1063 peals in total including 671 for the Guild.  Notable among his HDGB peals were the 15,000 Doubles rung at Eardisley in 1974, and the first peal of Maximus for the Guild in 1981.

This is an impressive list of achievements, and there are many more not noted here, but these do not reflect one of the most memorable things about Norman – his sense of fun.  It is clear that he was serious about ringing and the Guild, but he carried people with him because of his enjoyment of ringing and silliness.  Those of us who have witnessed one of Norman’s impromptu ‘speeches’, or taken part in the party games at Guild social events he organised will not forget him, often we all giggled away, as he looked like a 6ft 4, well built, schoolboy.

When Norman and his family moved from Herefordshire in 1994, Val Roberts, who was Master at the time wrote ‘We wish him and his family all the best.  He was a gentle giant amongst us and we will miss his leadership in the Guild’.  Truly Norman was one of the great characters of our Guild and we cannot underestimate the work he has done for us and ringing in general.

Our sympathies are with his wife Steph, and his children David, Christina and Helena.