New ringers welcome

new to bellringingOK we are biased, but ringing is a great activity!

There are about 5,000 towers in the world with bells hung for the peculiarly British style of change ringing which developed in the seventeenth century.

The 40 000 or so people in the UK who ring these bells

  • Enjoy the exercise.
  • Keep their brains in gear thinking about and learning the patterns of changes we ring.
  • Have a great social life with fellow ringers.
  • Are made welcome in towers all over the country, so meet new people where ever they go.

Ringers come from all walks of life, and are mostly (not exclusively) between the ages of 10 and 80. To be a ringer needs no special musical ability, and you don’t have to go to church services although lots of ringers are Christians.

Have a look at the video below to see what attracts people to bellringing:

New ringers are always made welcome. Contact Nicky Aubrey, the Guild’s Public Engagement Officer, on to find out where you can visit a tower near you and have a go!